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My son Ryan attended speech therapy sessions with Ms Lizzie. He loved her sessions and was always eager to attend them. Ms Lizzie always made the sessions very interesting by incorporating fun activites that were challenging thus provided ample opportunities to learn in a fun loving way.
Neha, mother of R.P.
仔仔上年開始接受Ms Lizzie言語治療,短短半年時間,由他開始是只說單字,到現在句子對答,同時理解能力亦增強了很多。過程中,Miss Lizzie會用不同玩具遊戲誘發孩子說話,而放學後亦會教導家長如何在家增強與孩子的對話,及一些言語技巧,所以仔劑進步很快。Miss Lizzie,謝謝你!
Mother of E.C.
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